Hasrat akan sesuatu terkadang membuat seseorang menggunakan segala cara untuk memenuhi hasrat tersebut.
Baik cara yang positif bahkan apabila terdesak dengan cara negatif.
Seperti binatang karnivora yang kelaparan akan membuat dia menjadi ganas saat memburu mangsanya, dan akan menghabisinya dengan buas.
Tapi apa dengan cara negatif kita akan puas dengan hasrat yang sudah kita penuhi tersebut?
Tentu kita merasa kurang ataupun mungkin malu.
Tapi sebaliknya, apabila kita memenuhi hasrat kita dengan cara positif dengan cara yang kita atur sebaik - baiknya maka kita akan bangga sekali dengan keberhasilan kita memenuhi hasrat tersebut.
Dan orang lain mungkin akan memuji atau menyanjung Anda atas hal tersebut.
Jadi, lakukan segala kegiatan dengan positif..
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
Sabtu, 17 April 2010
Kata maaf mngkin saja mudah d ucapkan tp sbetulnya sulit d lakukan.
Meminta maaf atau memaafkan adalah hal yg plg sulit d lakukan tnpa ada rasa gengsi, marah, pnyesalan, dll.
Meminta maaf akan sulit lagi apabila sebetulnya bkn qta yg bersalah tp pihak yg satunya lagi, harus seseorang dgn berjiwa besar yg bsa melakukan hal itu.
Memaafkan seseorang yg sdh bbuat salah dan membuat qta kecewa skali thdapnya jg teramat sangatlah sulit.
Walau tkadang qta memaafkan dgn stengah hati dan tdk lagi bgtu pcaya dgn org tsb teteapi mau tdk mau qta hrs melupakan ksalahan yg dia pbuat.
Tapi qta harus malu, Allah SWT saja mau memaafkan hambanya yg salah knp qta yg hanya manusia biasa tdk bisa?
Mka maafkanlah org2 yg pnah salah thdp Anda dgn ikhlas dan minta maaflah kpd org2 yg ada berbuat salag dgn setulus hati..
Meminta maaf atau memaafkan adalah hal yg plg sulit d lakukan tnpa ada rasa gengsi, marah, pnyesalan, dll.
Meminta maaf akan sulit lagi apabila sebetulnya bkn qta yg bersalah tp pihak yg satunya lagi, harus seseorang dgn berjiwa besar yg bsa melakukan hal itu.
Memaafkan seseorang yg sdh bbuat salah dan membuat qta kecewa skali thdapnya jg teramat sangatlah sulit.
Walau tkadang qta memaafkan dgn stengah hati dan tdk lagi bgtu pcaya dgn org tsb teteapi mau tdk mau qta hrs melupakan ksalahan yg dia pbuat.
Tapi qta harus malu, Allah SWT saja mau memaafkan hambanya yg salah knp qta yg hanya manusia biasa tdk bisa?
Mka maafkanlah org2 yg pnah salah thdp Anda dgn ikhlas dan minta maaflah kpd org2 yg ada berbuat salag dgn setulus hati..
Kpan sih Anda berdoa kpd Allah SWT?
Apa saat butuh saja Anda bdoa kpd-Nya?
Mestinya qta malu dgn kbiasaan tsebut, apalagi stlah kjadian yg qta alami slesai qta tdk mengucakpkan rasa syukur kpd-Nya.
Sbgai seorang muslim atau yg beragama, qta patutnya mengerjakan ibadah2 yg telah d tentukan-Nya dan menjauhi larangan2-Nya.
Bdoalah setiap saat setiap waktu, tdk perlu keras2, ckup dalam hati.
Allah akan selalu mendengarkan doa2 yg qta panjatkan kpd-Nya.
Jika ingin sesuatu yg qta krjakan berhasil maka berdoalah dan berusaha semampu qta, slanjutnya qta hnya bs tawakal.
Jd, byk2lah berdoa emi kbaikan qta sendiri n org lain baik d dunia maupun akhirat.,
Apa saat butuh saja Anda bdoa kpd-Nya?
Mestinya qta malu dgn kbiasaan tsebut, apalagi stlah kjadian yg qta alami slesai qta tdk mengucakpkan rasa syukur kpd-Nya.
Sbgai seorang muslim atau yg beragama, qta patutnya mengerjakan ibadah2 yg telah d tentukan-Nya dan menjauhi larangan2-Nya.
Bdoalah setiap saat setiap waktu, tdk perlu keras2, ckup dalam hati.
Allah akan selalu mendengarkan doa2 yg qta panjatkan kpd-Nya.
Jika ingin sesuatu yg qta krjakan berhasil maka berdoalah dan berusaha semampu qta, slanjutnya qta hnya bs tawakal.
Jd, byk2lah berdoa emi kbaikan qta sendiri n org lain baik d dunia maupun akhirat.,
Too Much Love Will Kill you
Too much love will kill you?
Maybe it can be happened, I almost in that condition.
Its because me loving my ex-girlfriend too much, I can't let her go, I always possesif and courius what she do if she not in her home.
You must love someone normally, if not, it'll will hurt you so much if end bad..
So, becareful when you loving someone.
Maybe it can be happened, I almost in that condition.
Its because me loving my ex-girlfriend too much, I can't let her go, I always possesif and courius what she do if she not in her home.
You must love someone normally, if not, it'll will hurt you so much if end bad..
So, becareful when you loving someone.
Terima Kasih
Alhamdulillah y Allah, hamba masih mendapatkan rezeki-Mu yang berlimpah baik yang yang hamba rasakan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung..
Terima kasih jg krn kau memberikan keluarga dan teman2 yg sayang kpd hamba walau terkadang mrk bbuat d menyenangkan tp hamba tau itu psti ada tujuan dan maksud dr-Mu y Allah..
Terima kasih kpd kedua orang tua dan keluarga ku yang mau merawat ku dgn baik hingga saat ini, rasa terima kasih tak kan ckup untuk membalas itu smua, smg Allah membalas kbaikan kalian smua berkali-kali lipat.. Amin..
Terima kasih kpd teman2 yg selalu mendukungku dan mau menemaniku di saat senang maupun susah.
Tanpa bantuan kalian smua, saya tidak yakin dpt menjalani kehidupan ini dgn mudah..
Love you all..
Terima kasih jg krn kau memberikan keluarga dan teman2 yg sayang kpd hamba walau terkadang mrk bbuat d menyenangkan tp hamba tau itu psti ada tujuan dan maksud dr-Mu y Allah..
Terima kasih kpd kedua orang tua dan keluarga ku yang mau merawat ku dgn baik hingga saat ini, rasa terima kasih tak kan ckup untuk membalas itu smua, smg Allah membalas kbaikan kalian smua berkali-kali lipat.. Amin..
Terima kasih kpd teman2 yg selalu mendukungku dan mau menemaniku di saat senang maupun susah.
Tanpa bantuan kalian smua, saya tidak yakin dpt menjalani kehidupan ini dgn mudah..
Love you all..
Tugas softskill part 05
Adjective Clause
Adjective clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai adjektiva. Seperti telah kita ketahui, adjektiva adalah kata yang menerangkan nomina. Jadi, adjective clause juga berfungsi demikian, yaitu memberi keterangan pada nomina.
Adjective clause dimulai dengan relative pronoun atau relative adverb.
Berikut ini beberapa contoh adjective clause:
Adjective clause dengan relative pronoun
The man who is sitting over there is my father.
The book which you bought yesterday is very interesting.
This is the place that I visited some years ago.
Mr. Bambang whose son is my friend is presenting a paper in a seminar.
Adjective clause dengan relative adverb
This is the reason why she did it.
The time when the plane takes off and lands will be changed soon.
Palembang is the place where I was born.
Dalam contoh-contoh di atas bisa kita lihat bahwa adjective clause tersebut menerangkan nomina yang ada di depannya (antecedent).
Adjective clause who is sitting over there menerangkan nomina the man.
Adjective clause why she did it menerangkan nomina the reason.
Conditional Sentences
‘Conditional Sentences’ adalah kalimat pengandaian, yaitu:
Real conditional sentences adalah kalimat yang akan terjadi atau tidak akan terjadi (mungkin terjadi) tergantung pada suatu kondisi atau keadaan
Conditional sentences which may or may not happen (kalimat ‘conditional’ yang mungkin terjadi dan mungkin juga tidak terjadi)
• If it rains, I will not go
(We do not know yet wheter it will rain, may be it will rain. Maybe it won’t)
• If you insist, he will let you have it
(we do not know yet wheter you will insist. Maybe you will insist. Maybe you won’t)
• If she loves you, she will be happy for you.
(we do not know yet wheter she will love you. Maybe she will love you. Maybe she won’t).
“Kalimat utama di atas akan terjadi jika kondisi dalam If-clause terpenuhi. Kalau kondisi pada If-clause tidak terpenuhi, maka main clause-nya tidak akan terjadi.
‘Unreal Conditional Sentences in the present’ adalah kalimat yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada sekarang di hadapan kita.
Conditional sentences which is contrary to the fact at present (kalimat ‘conditional’ yang bertolak belakang dengan kenyataan saat ini)
• If I were in town, I would go.
(I am not in town)
• If I took the plane, I would get there fast.
(I don’t take the plane)
• If I knew, I would tell you.
(I don’t know)
‘Unreal conditional sentence in the past’ adalah kalimat yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang terjadi di masa lampau.
• If I had know it, I would have told you.
(I didn’t know it, or I haven’t known it.)
• If you had told me, I would have defended you.
(You didn’t tell me, or you haven’t told me.)
• If she hadn’t come late, She would have defended you.
(She came late, or she has come late.)
Passive Sentence (Kalimat Pasif)
November 22nd, 2008 by Cabi and tagged Belajar Inggris, passive voice
Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif layaknya bahasa Indonesia. Pada kalimat aktif (active sentence) subjek melakukan pekerjaan terhadap objek. Sementara pada kalimat pasif (Passive sentence) objek dilakui pekerjaan oleh subjek.
Pada bahasa Inggris bentuk pasif ditandai dengan to be + V3.
Perhatikan Ulasan berikut!
Present simple
Rumus: am/is/are + V3
Active : Somebody holds a ceremony. (Seseorang menyelenggarakan sebuah upacara)
Passive : A ceremony is held by somebody. (sebuah upacara diselenggarakan oleh seseorang)
Contoh lain:
Some traditional celebrations are still celebrated by villagers. (beberapa perayaan tradisional masih dirayakan oleh penduduk desa)
Many legends are told by old people. (banyak legenda diceritakan oleh orang baya)
Past simple
Rumus: was/were + V3
Active : The King of Majapahit built the castle.
Passive : The castle was built by the King of Majapahit. (istana itu dibangun oleh raja Majapahit)
Contoh lain:
The village was destroyed by a great disaster. (desa itu dihancurkan oleh bencana besar)
The boat was kicked by Sangkuriang. (perahu itu ditendang oleh sangkuriang)
Degrees Of Comparison
Positive Degree
Merupakan perbandingan dua nilai yang sama , biasanya menggunakan dua pola, yaitu as ... as ... dan the same as ...
contoh :
- Solo is as beautiful as Surabaya
- Her love is as much as mine
- Sony and toshiba have the same price
Comparative Degree
Menyatakan perbandingan bahwa sesuatu lebih atau kurang dari yang lain. Beberapa cara untuk mengekspresikan perbandingan tersebut antara lain :
1. Menggunakan kata penghubung than
2. Menambahkan akhiran -er pada kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata (misal : short, tall, dsb)
3. Menambahkan kata depan more apabila kata sifat lebih dari tiga suku atau apabila yang dibandingkan adalah kata keterangan
contoh :
- Rio is much taller than lely
- Notebook is more expensive than personal computer
- Marry finished the test more quickly than jack
Superlative Degree
Digunakan untu menyatakan hal yang paling ter- dari segala hal lainnya yang menjadi perbandingan
1. Menambahkan kata sandang the di depan kata sifat ataupun di depan kata keterangan
2. Menambahkan akhiran -est pada kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata (misal : short, tall, dsb)
3. Menambahkan kata depan most apabila kata sifat lebih dari tiga suku atau apabila yang dibandingkan adalah kata keterangan
contoh :
- He is the smastest boys in my class
- Ina is the most beautiful girls in my school
- Hani finished the test the most quickly
Adjective clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai adjektiva. Seperti telah kita ketahui, adjektiva adalah kata yang menerangkan nomina. Jadi, adjective clause juga berfungsi demikian, yaitu memberi keterangan pada nomina.
Adjective clause dimulai dengan relative pronoun atau relative adverb.
Berikut ini beberapa contoh adjective clause:
Adjective clause dengan relative pronoun
The man who is sitting over there is my father.
The book which you bought yesterday is very interesting.
This is the place that I visited some years ago.
Mr. Bambang whose son is my friend is presenting a paper in a seminar.
Adjective clause dengan relative adverb
This is the reason why she did it.
The time when the plane takes off and lands will be changed soon.
Palembang is the place where I was born.
Dalam contoh-contoh di atas bisa kita lihat bahwa adjective clause tersebut menerangkan nomina yang ada di depannya (antecedent).
Adjective clause who is sitting over there menerangkan nomina the man.
Adjective clause why she did it menerangkan nomina the reason.
Conditional Sentences
‘Conditional Sentences’ adalah kalimat pengandaian, yaitu:
Real conditional sentences adalah kalimat yang akan terjadi atau tidak akan terjadi (mungkin terjadi) tergantung pada suatu kondisi atau keadaan
Conditional sentences which may or may not happen (kalimat ‘conditional’ yang mungkin terjadi dan mungkin juga tidak terjadi)
• If it rains, I will not go
(We do not know yet wheter it will rain, may be it will rain. Maybe it won’t)
• If you insist, he will let you have it
(we do not know yet wheter you will insist. Maybe you will insist. Maybe you won’t)
• If she loves you, she will be happy for you.
(we do not know yet wheter she will love you. Maybe she will love you. Maybe she won’t).
“Kalimat utama di atas akan terjadi jika kondisi dalam If-clause terpenuhi. Kalau kondisi pada If-clause tidak terpenuhi, maka main clause-nya tidak akan terjadi.
‘Unreal Conditional Sentences in the present’ adalah kalimat yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada sekarang di hadapan kita.
Conditional sentences which is contrary to the fact at present (kalimat ‘conditional’ yang bertolak belakang dengan kenyataan saat ini)
• If I were in town, I would go.
(I am not in town)
• If I took the plane, I would get there fast.
(I don’t take the plane)
• If I knew, I would tell you.
(I don’t know)
‘Unreal conditional sentence in the past’ adalah kalimat yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang terjadi di masa lampau.
• If I had know it, I would have told you.
(I didn’t know it, or I haven’t known it.)
• If you had told me, I would have defended you.
(You didn’t tell me, or you haven’t told me.)
• If she hadn’t come late, She would have defended you.
(She came late, or she has come late.)
Passive Sentence (Kalimat Pasif)
November 22nd, 2008 by Cabi and tagged Belajar Inggris, passive voice
Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif layaknya bahasa Indonesia. Pada kalimat aktif (active sentence) subjek melakukan pekerjaan terhadap objek. Sementara pada kalimat pasif (Passive sentence) objek dilakui pekerjaan oleh subjek.
Pada bahasa Inggris bentuk pasif ditandai dengan to be + V3.
Perhatikan Ulasan berikut!
Present simple
Rumus: am/is/are + V3
Active : Somebody holds a ceremony. (Seseorang menyelenggarakan sebuah upacara)
Passive : A ceremony is held by somebody. (sebuah upacara diselenggarakan oleh seseorang)
Contoh lain:
Some traditional celebrations are still celebrated by villagers. (beberapa perayaan tradisional masih dirayakan oleh penduduk desa)
Many legends are told by old people. (banyak legenda diceritakan oleh orang baya)
Past simple
Rumus: was/were + V3
Active : The King of Majapahit built the castle.
Passive : The castle was built by the King of Majapahit. (istana itu dibangun oleh raja Majapahit)
Contoh lain:
The village was destroyed by a great disaster. (desa itu dihancurkan oleh bencana besar)
The boat was kicked by Sangkuriang. (perahu itu ditendang oleh sangkuriang)
Degrees Of Comparison
Positive Degree
Merupakan perbandingan dua nilai yang sama , biasanya menggunakan dua pola, yaitu as ... as ... dan the same as ...
contoh :
- Solo is as beautiful as Surabaya
- Her love is as much as mine
- Sony and toshiba have the same price
Comparative Degree
Menyatakan perbandingan bahwa sesuatu lebih atau kurang dari yang lain. Beberapa cara untuk mengekspresikan perbandingan tersebut antara lain :
1. Menggunakan kata penghubung than
2. Menambahkan akhiran -er pada kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata (misal : short, tall, dsb)
3. Menambahkan kata depan more apabila kata sifat lebih dari tiga suku atau apabila yang dibandingkan adalah kata keterangan
contoh :
- Rio is much taller than lely
- Notebook is more expensive than personal computer
- Marry finished the test more quickly than jack
Superlative Degree
Digunakan untu menyatakan hal yang paling ter- dari segala hal lainnya yang menjadi perbandingan
1. Menambahkan kata sandang the di depan kata sifat ataupun di depan kata keterangan
2. Menambahkan akhiran -est pada kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata (misal : short, tall, dsb)
3. Menambahkan kata depan most apabila kata sifat lebih dari tiga suku atau apabila yang dibandingkan adalah kata keterangan
contoh :
- He is the smastest boys in my class
- Ina is the most beautiful girls in my school
- Hani finished the test the most quickly
Tugas Tenses
Present Tense :
He plays soccer ever morning.
Present Continous Tense :
They are studying history now.
Present Perfect Tense :
I have gone.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense :
He has been going to Berlin since morning.
Past Tense :
She came here last week.
Past Continous Tense :
They were talking about movie when I met her.
Past Perfect Tense :
The train had left before I arrived.
Past Perfect Continous Tense :
They had been living there for a month.
He plays soccer ever morning.
Present Continous Tense :
They are studying history now.
Present Perfect Tense :
I have gone.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense :
He has been going to Berlin since morning.
Past Tense :
She came here last week.
Past Continous Tense :
They were talking about movie when I met her.
Past Perfect Tense :
The train had left before I arrived.
Past Perfect Continous Tense :
They had been living there for a month.
Senin, 29 Maret 2010
Harry : Hammers won't fall
HARRY REDKNAPP reckons there is no way his old club Portsmouth can escape the drop but has backed West Ham to stay up.
The Tottenham manager takes on rock bottom Pompey at White Hart Lane tomorrow in a dress rehearsal of the FA Cup semi-final at Wembley.
He speaks regularly to Fratton Park boss Avram Grant but knows his opposite number is doomed when it comes to Premier League football next season.
But Redknapp believes the Hammers — another of the teams he has managed — will live to fight another campaign in the top flight despite losing their last FIVE games.
Redknapp said: "I can't see any way in which Portsmouth will stay up. Even if they hadn't had the nine-point deduction for going into administration, they would still be bottom of the table."
Hammers manager Gianfranco Zola was hit with a fearful blast from co-chairman David Sullivan following the shocking performance at Upton Park when West Ham lost 3-1 to Wolves.
West Ham are just three points above the drop zone but Redknapp added: "I think Zola is a fantastic manager. I'm absolutely sure West Ham will be OK. They won't be going down this season.
"As for David Sullivan, he's exceptionally passionate about his football. He is a hands-on chairman who likes to make his presence known.
"He was always going to be involved in whatever is going on at the club but at the end of the day it is up to the manager to manage."
Redknapp was hugely successful at Pompey, taking them to eighth in the Premier League and masterminding their 2008 FA Cup success and he remains confident they will bounce back.
He added: "Portsmouth have been in that position so many times. I was talking last night to Jim Smith, who was manager there and also worked with me at Fratton Park, about the situation.
"They've been in the bottom division and come back. When Milan Mandaric came in and took over, the doors to the club were locked for business.
"When I managed there, they had no training facilities. I had people like Teddy Sheringham and Paul Merson training where Sunday teams had played.
"Hopefully they'll find a new owner who cares and get them back up again."
Spurs have been hit by a catalogue of injuries for tomorrow's clash with Vedran Corluka the latest to be ruled out with an ankle problem.
Redknapp said: "Corluka had a scan and wont be available. Young Kyle Walker was going to come in at right-back but picked up ankle injury in training — I'm hoping he will be OK.
"Sebastien Bassong also has an ankle injury and we'll give him until Saturday to declare himself fit. Roman Pavlyuchenko's hamstring is tight and he probably doesn't feel ready to start.
"Wilson Palacios' abductor is tender, he played with a tear against Fulham, I don't know how he got through the game, so again we're going to wait till Saturday to see how he reacts.
"Aaron Lennon is building up slowly after his groin operation, he's getting out there running and hopefully he's on the way back.
"And Ledley King is coming on slowly with his knee problems so could be back in a week or two. Jermaine Jenas has had a bit of a setback and is sore and he's still getting a bit of pain after the hernia operation.
"But Jermain Defoe is not fit at moment. He's not too far away, he's progressing well and shouldn't be too long. The injury list is bad but we've kept winning — we need to if we are going to finish fourth."
Redknapp, meanwhile, has blasted the fans who booed his team off at half-time in the midweek FA Cup quarter-final win over Fulham.
Spurs were trailing 1-0 at the break and some sections of the White Hart Lane crowd jeered the players as they went in.
Redknapp said: "I don't know what anyone could come to Tottenham to boo about because they've seen football this year that has been out of the top drawer.
"If you want to be entertained, come and watch Tottenham play.
"You always get people who don't understand the game. You could be playing badly and winning 1-0 and they don't moan.
"They see the scoreboard and react because the team are losing. 99 per cent of the fans are fantastic, it's only a few idiots."
The Tottenham manager takes on rock bottom Pompey at White Hart Lane tomorrow in a dress rehearsal of the FA Cup semi-final at Wembley.
He speaks regularly to Fratton Park boss Avram Grant but knows his opposite number is doomed when it comes to Premier League football next season.
But Redknapp believes the Hammers — another of the teams he has managed — will live to fight another campaign in the top flight despite losing their last FIVE games.
Redknapp said: "I can't see any way in which Portsmouth will stay up. Even if they hadn't had the nine-point deduction for going into administration, they would still be bottom of the table."
Hammers manager Gianfranco Zola was hit with a fearful blast from co-chairman David Sullivan following the shocking performance at Upton Park when West Ham lost 3-1 to Wolves.
West Ham are just three points above the drop zone but Redknapp added: "I think Zola is a fantastic manager. I'm absolutely sure West Ham will be OK. They won't be going down this season.
"As for David Sullivan, he's exceptionally passionate about his football. He is a hands-on chairman who likes to make his presence known.
"He was always going to be involved in whatever is going on at the club but at the end of the day it is up to the manager to manage."
Redknapp was hugely successful at Pompey, taking them to eighth in the Premier League and masterminding their 2008 FA Cup success and he remains confident they will bounce back.
He added: "Portsmouth have been in that position so many times. I was talking last night to Jim Smith, who was manager there and also worked with me at Fratton Park, about the situation.
"They've been in the bottom division and come back. When Milan Mandaric came in and took over, the doors to the club were locked for business.
"When I managed there, they had no training facilities. I had people like Teddy Sheringham and Paul Merson training where Sunday teams had played.
"Hopefully they'll find a new owner who cares and get them back up again."
Spurs have been hit by a catalogue of injuries for tomorrow's clash with Vedran Corluka the latest to be ruled out with an ankle problem.
Redknapp said: "Corluka had a scan and wont be available. Young Kyle Walker was going to come in at right-back but picked up ankle injury in training — I'm hoping he will be OK.
"Sebastien Bassong also has an ankle injury and we'll give him until Saturday to declare himself fit. Roman Pavlyuchenko's hamstring is tight and he probably doesn't feel ready to start.
"Wilson Palacios' abductor is tender, he played with a tear against Fulham, I don't know how he got through the game, so again we're going to wait till Saturday to see how he reacts.
"Aaron Lennon is building up slowly after his groin operation, he's getting out there running and hopefully he's on the way back.
"And Ledley King is coming on slowly with his knee problems so could be back in a week or two. Jermaine Jenas has had a bit of a setback and is sore and he's still getting a bit of pain after the hernia operation.
"But Jermain Defoe is not fit at moment. He's not too far away, he's progressing well and shouldn't be too long. The injury list is bad but we've kept winning — we need to if we are going to finish fourth."
Redknapp, meanwhile, has blasted the fans who booed his team off at half-time in the midweek FA Cup quarter-final win over Fulham.
Spurs were trailing 1-0 at the break and some sections of the White Hart Lane crowd jeered the players as they went in.
Redknapp said: "I don't know what anyone could come to Tottenham to boo about because they've seen football this year that has been out of the top drawer.
"If you want to be entertained, come and watch Tottenham play.
"You always get people who don't understand the game. You could be playing badly and winning 1-0 and they don't moan.
"They see the scoreboard and react because the team are losing. 99 per cent of the fans are fantastic, it's only a few idiots."
Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

Aku sayang Ibu ku...
Karena beliaulah aku bisa jadi seperti sekarang(yg baik2nya tentunya, klo yg nakal2 nya mang dasar gw nya aja nakal)..
Beliau adalah salah satu sosok orang yg bepengaruh bagi kehidupan saya, dan beliau adalah sosok yg hebat d mata saya, krn beliau bisa membawa menahkodai rumah ini semenjak meninggalnya Bapak pada tahun 2002..
Beliau membanting tulang untuk mengsekolahi dan memberi makan buat keluarganya, beliau tidak kenal lelah(walupun kadang2 sakit).
Tapi apa balasan ku terhadapnya?
Saya masih sering mengecewakan beliau, apa daya, saya masih muda, dan jiwa memberontak saya masih tinggi, tapi saya juga tetap berusaha membuat beliau tersenyum.
Ya walaupun sekarang hanya bs memberikan beliau cinta, ksih sayang, senyuman, dan doa tapi saya bercita-cita ingin memberangkatkan beliau naik Haji, membelikan rumah, dll.
Semoga tahun ini saya lulus kuliah dan bisa langsung bekerja untuk mulai menabung agar cita-cita itu semua tercapai..
Semoga jg beliau bs d beri umur panjang dan yg pling ptg kesehatan..

*semua gambar yang ada di blog saya berasal dari Google
Meaning of Best Friend
If someone ask me about my best friend, I dunno how answer this question, because I don't have any best friend.
Because I think, I don't wanna to really close with they. It really risk to me, if someday me or my best friend is hurting each other heart, they'll never can forget the accident/problem, maybe they can give you sorry, but still, it'll remain in their deep heart.
I've many friends and some of them really close to me,but I don't wanna call they my best friends.
Maybe you'll laughing if read this post, not even you, I'm laughing my post too.
"If I fall back down
Youre gonna help me back up again.
If I fall back down
Youre gonna be my friend"
Lyrics from Rancid - Fall Back Down up there maybe work sometimes with me.

Another reason why I don't wanna have a best friend is because my past a long time ago, I'm falling in love with my best friends(yes, I've best friends in the past, but now, I'don't have).
She is angry with me, since then, I never talk with her again(about 5 years).
It's not only happen one time, I'm falling in love with my another best friend, fortunately she still wanna talk to me although not often like before I say I love her..
Best friend...
It's all my fault, but I'm not regret this..
Because I think, I don't wanna to really close with they. It really risk to me, if someday me or my best friend is hurting each other heart, they'll never can forget the accident/problem, maybe they can give you sorry, but still, it'll remain in their deep heart.
I've many friends and some of them really close to me,but I don't wanna call they my best friends.
Maybe you'll laughing if read this post, not even you, I'm laughing my post too.
"If I fall back down
Youre gonna help me back up again.
If I fall back down
Youre gonna be my friend"
Lyrics from Rancid - Fall Back Down up there maybe work sometimes with me.

Another reason why I don't wanna have a best friend is because my past a long time ago, I'm falling in love with my best friends(yes, I've best friends in the past, but now, I'don't have).
She is angry with me, since then, I never talk with her again(about 5 years).
It's not only happen one time, I'm falling in love with my another best friend, fortunately she still wanna talk to me although not often like before I say I love her..
Best friend...
It's all my fault, but I'm not regret this..
"So now you're gone, and I was wrong
I never knew what it was like, to be alone
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)"
Sepenggal lirik d atas dr Linkin Park berjudul Valentine's Day mungkin bs menggambarkan perasaan beberapa orang yang sedang patah hati/jomblo(saya jomblo tapi tidak patah hati...hhahahahaha...).
Sebetulnya menurut saya, kita bisa menujukkan rasa kasih sayang tidak hanya pada hari valentine, tapi bisa kita tunjukkan rasa kasih sayang itu setiap hari dan pada setiap orang, tidak hanya kepada orang yang kita suka.
Menunjukkan rasa kasih sayang juga tidak harus dengan memberikan barang2 seperti cokelat, bunga, baju, dll. Cukup buktikan dengan perilaku kita yang bisa membuat orang yang kita sayangi, kalo orang yang kita sayangi suka di beri hadiah/barang, ywdh beri ja, tapi curiganya dia matre tuh, ati2 bos..
Bagi yang patah hati d hari valentine, ya jangan berlarut-larut lah, kan masih banyak d luar sana cewe yg lbh baik dan lbh sayang ke lu. Bangkitlah, lakuin aja kegiatan2 positif biar lu bisa ngelupain dia. DAn BAgi yang merayakan hari valentine dan yang berbahagia d hari itu, saya ucapkan selamat hari valentine.
Tapi, ngomong2 soal cokelat, kok g da yg ngasi saya cokelat y?

*semua gambar dari Google
I never knew what it was like, to be alone
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)"
Sepenggal lirik d atas dr Linkin Park berjudul Valentine's Day mungkin bs menggambarkan perasaan beberapa orang yang sedang patah hati/jomblo(saya jomblo tapi tidak patah hati...hhahahahaha...).
Sebetulnya menurut saya, kita bisa menujukkan rasa kasih sayang tidak hanya pada hari valentine, tapi bisa kita tunjukkan rasa kasih sayang itu setiap hari dan pada setiap orang, tidak hanya kepada orang yang kita suka.
Menunjukkan rasa kasih sayang juga tidak harus dengan memberikan barang2 seperti cokelat, bunga, baju, dll. Cukup buktikan dengan perilaku kita yang bisa membuat orang yang kita sayangi, kalo orang yang kita sayangi suka di beri hadiah/barang, ywdh beri ja, tapi curiganya dia matre tuh, ati2 bos..

Tapi, ngomong2 soal cokelat, kok g da yg ngasi saya cokelat y?

*semua gambar dari Google
CV and Application
R E S U M E :
• Familiar with Microsoft Office.
• August 2004 – April 2005, Reporter, Koran SMA Hai Magazine , Jakarta, Indonesia.
• Juny 2007 – August 2007, Chef, Warung Kofie 206 , Bintaro , Indonesia.
• Date / Place of Birth : September 4 th, 1988 / Jakarta
• Sex : Male
• Marital Status : Single
• Religion : Moslem
• Nationality : Indonesia
• GPA : 2.93 in scale 4.0
• Gunadarma University ( 2006 – present )
Majoring in Management
• Senior High School in SMUN 29 Jakarta ( 2003 – 2006 )
• High responsibility, initiative person, delight to work hard, and loved music.
• Be willing to adapt to changing work environment and have a strong will and motivation to learn.
Jakarta, February 21th 2010
Mr. Sudjana
Human Resources Department PT. Karya Saya
Dear Sir,
This letter is in response to the job vacancy in your company, regarding the openings for any position.
In order to identify my self, I am 21 years old studied at Gunadarma University, Faculty of Economic majoring in Management and my GPA is 2.93.
I would like to try and to have an experience and opportunity challenging career joining your company and also gives me other perspective that will benefit my personal experience. I am a hard worker and computer literate. Hopefully my educational background will support me if my application is approved.
I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and appreciate the possibility in the next future to consider me as a candidate to fill the vacancies. I’m deeply thank you for your attention and look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Randy Rooseno
R E S U M E :
• Familiar with Microsoft Office.
• August 2004 – April 2005, Reporter, Koran SMA Hai Magazine , Jakarta, Indonesia.
• Juny 2007 – August 2007, Chef, Warung Kofie 206 , Bintaro , Indonesia.
• Date / Place of Birth : September 4 th, 1988 / Jakarta
• Sex : Male
• Marital Status : Single
• Religion : Moslem
• Nationality : Indonesia
• GPA : 2.93 in scale 4.0
• Gunadarma University ( 2006 – present )
Majoring in Management
• Senior High School in SMUN 29 Jakarta ( 2003 – 2006 )
• High responsibility, initiative person, delight to work hard, and loved music.
• Be willing to adapt to changing work environment and have a strong will and motivation to learn.
Jakarta, February 21th 2010
Mr. Sudjana
Human Resources Department PT. Karya Saya
Dear Sir,
This letter is in response to the job vacancy in your company, regarding the openings for any position.
In order to identify my self, I am 21 years old studied at Gunadarma University, Faculty of Economic majoring in Management and my GPA is 2.93.
I would like to try and to have an experience and opportunity challenging career joining your company and also gives me other perspective that will benefit my personal experience. I am a hard worker and computer literate. Hopefully my educational background will support me if my application is approved.
I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and appreciate the possibility in the next future to consider me as a candidate to fill the vacancies. I’m deeply thank you for your attention and look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Randy Rooseno
Senin, 11 Januari 2010
Great Teacher Onizuka

Satu lagi anime dan manga favorit gw..
Namanya GTO alias GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA, ceritanya tuh ttg se2orang mahasiswa yg bnama Ekichi Onizuka yg br j lu2s n menganggur, nah dia pengen bgt pnya pkerjaan, entah knp dia memilih profesi guru sbg pekerjaannya, padahal waktu di SMA dia itu slah satu pembuat onar dan merupakan ketua geng motor yg legendaris (ini d ceritain d komik Shounan Junai Gumi, tp gw blm pnah baca.

Jd sedikit g masuk akal awalnya, se2orang yg urakan seperti Onizuka ini ingin menjadi guru, ketika dia sdh mnjadi guru dgn proses yg sulit, dia mndapati harus mnjadi wali kelas sebuah kelas yg d knal suka ngerjain guru2 n wali kelas sebelumnya, jstru dgn modal waktu dia semasa SMA dia mngatasi murid2nya yg super nakal, versi serial TV ini jg ada, dan sempat d siarkan d Indosiar, g kalah kocak n konyol dgn versi anime dan manganya, serial tv jg memberikan lelucon yg bbda dr anime dan manganya.
Gw sempat bpikiran ingin menjadi guru seperti yg d lakuin Onozuka, tp masalahnya, apa ada sekolah yg mau nerima gw sebagai guru?
Sekarang gw lagi mau hunting komik2nya, krn d toko buku g da, krn komiknya tmasuk yg ilegal krn bajakan, jd agak sulit mencarinya..
Smg nnti gw bs nemuin komiknya..

Brook OP..

Tawa khas dari Brook tokoh kartun d serial komoik One Piece memang sangat unik, dia menjadi salah satu idola gw d OP selain Zorro dan Luffy, tokoh yg berwujud tengkorak ini emang konyol bgt, tampangnya doang serem , tp dia sendiri takut sama hantu, udah gtu, pas d salah satu crta nya, pas dia lg main d taman ria(kaya Dufan gtulah), dia paling pnakut pas naik wahana2 yg mnegangkan kaya jetcoster dll.
Tp selain si2 negatifnya itu walau selalu bkin gw ktawa, dia tuh jago bgt main segala macem alat musik dan jago bgt main pedang(tp te2p j Zorro yg paling jago main pedang menurut gw)..
Bahkan lagu dia yg ada tawa khas dia gw jadiin ringtone buat sms gw, malahan kadang2 gw sk kaget sendiri kalo da sms masuk gr2 tiba2 da suara ketawa dia..
Tp sayangnya d jalan cerita komiknya yg sekarang dia dah lama g muncul, gara2 waktu itu dia d lempar sama musuh Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami(nama kelompok bajak lautnya Luffy cs)

Smg dia cepat2 muncul lagi d komiknya, biar gw bs ngakak lg walopun tokoh yang lain konyol2 jg..
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